Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (2024)

Table of Contents

  • +Introduction
    • 1. Contents
    • 2. Lore
    • 3. Outline
    • 4. TL;DR
      • 4.1. Tanks
      • 4.2. Healers
      • 4.3. Everyone
    • 5. Mythic Notes
    • 6. Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
    • 7. Changelog
  • +Abilities
    • 1. Overview
      • 1.1. Phase One
      • 1.2. Phase Two
      • 1.3. Phase Three
  • ×Normal/Heroic Strategy/Tactics
    • 1. Positioning
      • 1.1. Phase One: Low Tide
      • 1.2. Phase Two: From the Mists
      • 1.3. Phase Three: Helheim's Last Stand
    • 2. Tank Concerns
    • 3. Healing Concerns
    • 4. Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
  • +Mythic Strategy
    • 1. Mythic Mode Abilities
      • 1.1. Phase One
      • 1.2. Phase Two
      • 1.3. Phase Three
    • 2. Strategy
      • 2.1. Phase One
      • 2.2. Phase Two
      • 2.3. Phase Three

General Information

On this page, you will find a working strategy to defeat Helyain Trial of Valor for both Normal and Heroic modes, which usually only differ bythe tuning of the boss.

Here, we assume that you have read our descriptionsof the abilities for this encounter.

The other pages of our Helya guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.




Phase One: Low Tide

Phase One lasts until Helya hits 65% health.

Positioning on this encounter is fluid during Phase One. All players willneed to be wary of the Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (1) Bilewater Breath as it should only hit thetank and will deal enough damage to be potentially fatal to a non-tank player.The Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (2) Bilewater Breath occurs every 25 seconds.

  • Tanks should be careful not to face the Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (3) Bilewater Breath toofar to the edges, as it will cause some of the Bilewater Slimes tospawn on the upper platforms. However, they should also take care that thebreath does not sweep through the raid, as this will cause a wipe.
  • Damage dealers and healers should be careful to avoid getting hit by thebreath as it will likely be fatal.
  • The slimes' casts are unaffected by crowd control and they cannot be movedby abilities such as Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (4) Sigil of Chains or Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (5) Typhoon, so they willneed to be killed individually or with spread cleave (such as DoTeffects).
  • Tanks should taunt after each Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (6) Bilewater Breath due toHelya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (7) Bilewater Redox.

Players should be ready to run out of the group, asHelya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (8) Orb of Corruption will spawn regularly and fixate members of thegroup.

  • Being loosely spread before Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (9) Orb of Corruptions spawn will helpminimize incidental damage from orbs.
  • Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (10) Orb of Corruption always target the off tank and a selectionof random ranged DPS and healers.
  • The fixate effect lasts 8 seconds.
  • Players should kite the orbs towards the edges or back of the room to givethe rest of the group space, while being wary of other mechanics that mayoverlap.

All players should be ready to soak nearby Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (11) Tentacle Strikesthat emerge from the front and back of the platform. Tanks should assist inthis endeavour whenever possible.

  • All nearby players should help soak the Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (12) Tentacle Slams,however, the damage split is low enough that it only takes a handful of playersper tentacle in order for the damage to not be fatal. This means that meleewill not need to move to the back of the room to soak ranged tentacles, forexample.
  • The Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (13) Tentacle Strikes can be avoided by having players immunethe damage alone. Personal cooldowns such as Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (14) Ice Block are useful here,as well as raid utility such as Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (15) Blessing of Spellwarding. If you have alimited number of immunity effects, it is best to use them on the TentacleStrikes at range, as tanks and melee will not be able to assist with soakingthose.

Helya will afflict players with Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (16) Taint of the Sea, which can bedispelled by a healer. Once dispelled, it deals low raid wide damage andleaves behind a Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (17) Tainted Essence zone that explodes after a few seconds.Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (18) Tainted Essence deals moderate Frost damage to anyone caught in the zone,and is easily avoided. This effect will always target the current tank in additionto random other players in the raid. Healers should prioritize dispelling this effectas soon as possible, as it will greatly reduce total raid damage.

There must always be at least one player in melee range of Helya, or she will begincasting Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (19) Corrosive Nova, which deals low raid wide Frost damage and permanentlyincreases her damage by 3% for each cast for the remainder of the encounter.


Phase Two: From the Mists

Helya will spawn 9 Gripping Tentacles around the arena; 2 oneach raised platform, 2 on the main platform (1 on either side), and 3 at theback of the main platform area.

As Helya transitions into Phase Two, she will cast Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (20) Fury of the Maw immediately,which sends a wave crashing across the lower platform of the room. The wave spawns two largeadds on either side of the room (one Night Watch Mariner and oneGrimelord). Each subsequent cast of Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (21) Fury of the Maw will alwaysdeal 25% more damage than the previous one, stacking indefinitely, due toHelya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (22) Raging Tempest. The wave can be avoided by escaping to the upper platformson either side of the room, but it is fine for the group to tank it if you are killing tentacleson the lower levels. The raid should try and be grouped for each wave to increase healing efficacyand allow for cooldowns to be used.

Decaying Minions also spawn at the beginning of the Phase as well as periodicallythroughout the remainder of Phase Two. They cannot be tanked and fixate on random raid memberswith Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (23) Rabid. They should be cleaved down quickly, though bear in mind they leavepools of Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (24) Decay on the ground when they die, which makes positioning important.It is best to stack them and kill them quickly, especially if you are able to stack them on atentacle or add (such as the Night Watch Mariner) that will be killed quickly.You can also elect to stack them and kill them along the edges, which is easier to pull offbut results in a slower Phase timing.

The two large adds that spawn (Grimelord and Night Watch Mariner)need to be focused down quickly. The Night Watch Mariner should be killed first ashe has the most dangerous abilities of the duo:

  • The Mariner casts Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (25) Lantern of Darkness 25 seconds after he spawns, which will likelywipe your raid. The raid's goal should be to kill the Mariner before this cast even takes place.He does not have much health in Phase Two, so cooldowns should be unncessary.
  • The Mariner will also teleport to nearby players and cast Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (26) Give No Quarter whichspawns a white circle beneath their feet that deals high Arcane damage to anyone caught inthe circle after a few seconds. This is easily avoided by quick movement and a loose spread(when Decaying Minions are not active).
  • The Mariner casts Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (27) Ghostly Rage periodically, which grants him 30% attack speedfor 6 seconds. Tanks should be wary during this time and use appropriate cooldowns and/ormitigation.
  • The Mariner and the raid should always be near one of Helya's tentacles to maximizecleave damage and minimize the time in this Phase.

After the Mariner is killed, players should switch to the Grimelord. The Grimelordhas several abilities that occasionally force players out of melee range, so it should be tankedaway from the group until the Mariner is dead so melee players can have full uptime on theMariner.

  • The Grimelord periodically casts Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (28) Sludge Nova, which deals high Plague damageto players within 15 yards and knocks them back. Tanks and melee should run out of harm's waywhen this ability is cast.
  • The Grimelord periodically casts Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (29) Anchor Slam on the tank, which deals veryhigh Physical damage and knocks anyone hit in the air. This ability has a large targeting circlearound the tank and should be avoided carefully by all melee as it will result in instant death.Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (30) Anchor Slam also causes the debuffed player to take 400% increased damage for 6seconds. A cooldown should be used to help survive the damage. If the Mariner has already beenkilled, the other tank should taunt after the Anchor Smash to avoid the damage increase from thedebuff.
  • The Grimelord periodically debuffs the raid with Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (31) Fetid Rot which deals tickingdamage and reduces healing taken by 10% per stack. When the debuff expires it explodes and appliesHelya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (32) Fetid Rot to any players within 5 yards. Players with the debuff should get away fromthe group to avoid this ability chaining throughout the raid.

Phase Two is largely a control Phase that involves dealing with the imminent threats while cleavingdown the tentacles. The raid should group near a tentacle whenever possible so you will benefit fromadditional splash damage coming off the large adds and the Decaying Minions. When the final tentacleis killed, Helya returns to the platform at 47% HP. For the cleanest possible transition, try to cleanup as many adds as you can before finishing the last tentacle as the adds persist through the Phaseuntil they are killed.


Phase Three: Helheim's Last Stand

Phase Three begins with the boss at 47% and is a mix of mechanics from the previous Phases.Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (33) Taint of the Sea is still periodically cast along with Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (34) Fury of the Maw.The Night Watch Mariner will also continue to spawn, though he has a new ability calledHelya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (35) Rally of the Kvaldir, which increases his health significantly. His other abilities andtimers are the same, so it is imperative that he takes significantly more damage than in PhaseThree as he will wipe the raid if he gets his Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (36) Lantern of Darkness cast off after25 seconds.

Healing cooldowns should be used to help survive Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (37) Fury of the Maw, as the entireraid will not be able to dodge it. If you elect to try and avoid some of the waves by going tothe upper platforms a tank will need to stay in range of the boss to avoid Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (38) Corrosive Novafrom being cast. Generally, it is better to loosely group for healing and tank the waves, as itreduces raid movement significantly and is easier to organize. The damage and timers are verypredictable, allowing your healers to plan raid cooldowns for each wave well in advance.

Instead of Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (39) Bilewater Breath, Helya will now cast Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (40) Corrupted Breath.It now deals Shadow damage instead of Frost and applies Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (41) Dark Hatred to anyone hit,which significantly reduces healing received. It also spawns Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (42) Corrupted Axions thatneed to be soaked. Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (43) Corrupted Axions deal moderate Shadow damage and absorb a setamount of healing for 30 seconds. If any one Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (44) Corrupted Axion is not soaked, itapplies the healing debuff to the entire raid. This effect can also stack, making soaking ofthe highest imperative. Healers should quickly break the absorb on the players that soaked toavoid them dying from lack of healing. Players can immune the damage, but not the healing absorb.

Instead of Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (45) Orb of Corruption, Helya will now spawn Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (46) Orb of Corrosionswhich function identically except that they leave void zones on the ground when they pulse.Proper kiting of the orbs is more important than ever, as the void zones can only be waashedaway by the Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (47) Fury of the Maw casts that happen periodically. Ideally, players thatare fixated should take the orbs to the edges of the room or the very back. Ranged and healersshould form a horshoe shape facing the boss so the orbs do not spawn in the middle of the roomand cut off vital areas.

Decaying Minions will also continue to spawn in this Phase. They still spawn Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (48) Decaywhen they die, which further restricts your safe spaces. Ideally, you want to kill these adds insuch a manner that they are all as stacked as possible, or on the very edges of the room, to maximizeyour remaining real estate.


Tank Concerns

  • Ensure Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (49) Bilewater Breath is properly faced so it does not hit the raid, butalso so that it does not spawn adds on the upper platforms.
  • Taunt after every Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (50) Bilewater Breath or Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (51) Corrupted Breath.
  • Tank the Grimewalker and Mariner appropriately to maximize raid cleave.
  • Use appropriate cooldowns for the Grimewalker's Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (52) Anchor Slam and the Mariner'sHelya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (53) Ghostly Rage.
  • Help soak Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (54) Tentacle Strikes in the First Phase.


Healing Concerns

  • Dispell Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (55) Taint of the Sea as soon as possible to minimize damage.
  • Help soak Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (56) Tentacle Strikes in the First Phase.
  • Appropriately use cooldowns to help survive Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (57) Bilewater Liquefaction,if necessary.
  • Keep players with the Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (58) Fetid Rot debuff alive.
  • Cycle raid cooldowns appropriately for the later waves of Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (59) Fury of the Maw.
  • Quickly heal players who soaked Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (60) Corrupted Axions to break the healingabsorb.


Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp

We advise you to use Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (61) Bloodlust/Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (62) Heroism/Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (63) Time Warp during the finalPhase. The first two phases of the fight are about control, while the final Phase is a race tothe finish to kill the boss before the raid damage is too high from Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (64) Fury of the Maw.Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (65) Bloodlust/Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (66) Heroism/Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (67) Time Warp can also be an invaluable healing cooldownin this Phase.


Mythic Strategy⋙

Helya Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (2024)
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